
Monday 7 November 2011

Toned , stoned and Barceloned

No I don't mean 'that' stoned, though I wish we were... haha!

Things to do before going to Barcelona :
1. Make sure you're toned. Or at least half way there. It reaaaallllllly matters how the legs look in those short shorts. Oh yes they do.
 2. Make Gaudi your God. Yes, worship him.Or at least google him and his famous works so that you don't feel like an idiot visiting the most mind-freakin'blowing architecture that you will see (made by a human).
3. Beware of the La Ramblas... Its supposedly the most 'happening' street of Barcelona. But all it had to offer was lousy touristy objects(which are must-buys of-course :P), a bunch of tourists and a whole bunch of fellow hindustani shop-owners who will give you special discounts as you're Indian.
4.Learn some spanish. Nah not really. Can manage just fine without it. But learn it anyway as its a beautiful language.Though I prefer the South American Spanish to The Spanish spanish.....

Things to do once in Barcelona :
 Become a hippie.Roam aimlessly. Its really easy once you're there. The vibe just got to me.... Sadly we were there for a very short while :(  But then I bought whichever trinkets (see my right hand) which took my fancy and consoled myself... sigh!!

Go to Zara! ( well, we have one now in Bangalore too, but who cares!)

Must buy this season: The coated pants!

Go to the Desigual store (only if you want) as you're in Spain. Or not. I didn't. No, really. I find it over the top, garish and in-asthetically loud. I'm sorry if I'm hurting sentiments here, but that's what I think :P Maybe this point should be called "What NOT to do in Barcelona"!

 All of Gaudi's masterpieces are completely worth going to and gawking at. For hours... My favorite-favorite was Parc Guell. 

 Sagrada Familia (the famous still-under-construction church/monument ) is definitely the biggest and the most ambitious piece. What I love about it the most is the contrast between the outside and inside. Depressing vs Divine. Structured vs Flowing. Obviously, I loved the inside. How did he manage to carve such crazy intricate things in stone!
The tree trunk - his inspiration

The pillars inside Sagrada- his creation

Have the Sangria or dieeeeeee! I mean seriously. Sangria is the most delicious, mouth watering wine punch ever made. And make sure you have a litre- pitcher. The pitcher works beautifully in making all things blurry... Sangria made me talk super-fluent Hindi as well!  :)

Walk around.  And see how beautifully the whole city resonated Gaudi's aesthetics in beautifully crazy way. Initially I thought the word "gaudy" comes from Antoni Gaudi's surname, but that's not true. Though the souvenir shops seemed to have taken "gaudy" too seriously, we did manage to find some beautiful mosaic trinkets :P

1 comment:

  1. Aw makes me completely nostalgic for barcelona! great stuff!

    Unfortunately I wasn't toned AT ALL in barcelona.. and it got worse in barcelona considering I was basically surviving on spanish omelettes and paellas.

    Ah..happy times!
